Monday, August 3, 2009

Package from JAD 03.08.09

First thing's first: I overslept. I woke up by the sound of a package hitting my floor. It turns out it was the Debaser 7" I ordered from Just Another Day Records. Debaser - "Rich White People" is a 3-song hardcore/punk bomb and a very promising debut! Talked to a guy from the band an he says they're working on the next 7" which will be called "Rich White Girls".
This is the pre-order color (Dark Magenta), but I ordered it after pre-order time. JAD does something extraordinary neat with pre-orders: they stamp the inner sleeve (see picture below) and then they write your name to personalize it. It really made me feel special :). Actually I am very appreciative about this because it really shows that the label care for its customers.

Pre-order stamp:

So, the Debaser 7" comes in a variety of colors. This pre-order colors is /107. Here's the pressing info the Debaser - Rich White Boys 7" (JAD #4):

  • Debaser - Rich White Boys (7" Black, Test Press /20)
  • Debaser - Rich White Boys (7" Blue /100)
  • Debaser - Rich White Boys (7" Blue-Purple /7)
  • Debaser - Rich White Boys (7" Dark Magenta, Preorder /107)
  • Debaser - Rich White Boys (7" Lilac, Tour Press /84)
  • Debaser - Rich White Boys (7" Light Blue /6)
  • Debaser - Rich White Boys (7" Neon Yellow /110)
  • Debaser - Rich White Boys (7" Orange /87)
  • Debaser - Rich White Boys (7" Red, Stamped Sleeve /12)
I like this record so much that I contacted Seb who runs JAD. I was able to negotiate a deal with him about purchasing a copy of every single version above, making me one of the few that has a complete Debaser collection! He said I got the last copy of some of the versions above how fortunate =).

Picture that shows the pre-order color:

And here's a picture of the record with cover:

As mentioned I have all the other versions incoming, so I will post those too when they get here.

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