Saturday, August 15, 2009

Package 15.08.09

Over my (relatively) smaill amount of years in hardcore, I've had (just like anybody else) certain that I adored from the beginning, because they were their with me from start. Pointing Finger is one of those bands.
In my search for Pointing Finger records, I contacted the band on their myspace page to see if they could hook me up with some of the 7"s that are sold out. They've didn't have any to sell, byt they did point me to a label called Monument Records (Sweden). Monument put out Pointing Fingers "The Illusion Of Perfection" 7". I looked through Monuments catalog and there it was. I knew this release existed on both black and red vinyl (only black was listed in the catalog). So I contacted Johan who runs Monument and asked him if he had a red version lying around - and he did, so I placed my order for 2 PF 7"s. They came to day:

I didn't get to ask him about the pressing info, but I'll find out soon enough.
Some time ago, I got screwed over by a label called Heartland Records. I ordered the 7" by Pressure with a special pre-order cover /20. It never arrived so I had to file a paypal complaint to get my money back. Don't ever order from this label!
Anyway, I saw that Monument had the regular version of the 7" in-stock (didn't nreally care for the pre-order cover anyway), so I grabbed that one as well:

Portuguese hardcore is really overlooked imo. These two bands (well, RIP Pointing Finger) are the cream. I might even go as far as saying that Pointing Finger is one of my 5 altime favourite hardcore bands.

Before I press "publish", I just need to show you this. A little thing that makes it all worth it - something the captivates that the true unity and kindness is indeed alive in the world of hardcore, and isn't to be seen anywhere as clearly as in the world of hardcore. I ordered a tank top with a new promising band Outlast, and when I received it I also received a zine and a little message on the back of the envelope:

Nowadays I just find it so rare that people actually take time out to do something like this. It is nothing really, but it shows that people care. Like I said, something I only see in hardcore to this extent.

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