Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012's top 16

When I was significantly younger, I used to discover new music via peoples top 10 lists in fanzines. It was the best when I found someone who had 8 bands on his top 10 that I loved and 2 bands I'd never heard of! I love making lists, whether it is to-do lists, top X lists or lists of females I think are cute (the last one might not happen so often anymore...). My music-appreciation sphere is ever expanding and even though I consider myself to know 92% of the bands worth listening to in hardcore (with the exclusion of the sub-genres I can't stand, like Beatdown), I constantly stumble across an exciting band - mostly new bands now, because of the aforementioned. 

Last night I just updated my iPod with releases from two new bands I wanted to check out. All of a sudden I got tired and decided to wait a day with the new tunes. Do you ever get this awesome feeling when you're about to go to sleep, that tomorrow is going to be great because there will be brand new music to listen to? I love that! The releases were Natural Law - 

Anyway, this post is my top 10 releases in 2012. I like lists, I like publishing my taste in music to set the young minds straight.



Wait... I can't do this. I have 16 titles and I can't/won't cut any. This has just be modified to a top 15. 

16. No More Art  - Tough to Breath 7" (Deranged Records)
NMA holds the 15th place for several reasons. Before we conclude this as the least good of these 15 titles, remember this is better than every other release I've heard this year, except the 14 titles beneath. This would have been higher up (or down here) on the list, if it held more than 2 tracks. I need one or two more, because the two it holds are amazing! Jessica Milone's voice is amazing and this kind of music does it justice. 
Listen here.

15. Lose The Life - The End of Conformity LP (Ugly & Proud Rec.)
This is reincarnation of 90s Clevo-hardcore right here. But it's swedish, and it's unreal. My favorite track of this Demo + EP release is Pat On The Back! Please take a listen here.

14. Cerce - Self Titled 7" (It's A Trap Rec./Solidarity Rec.)
Female fronted neocrust with a badass and in your face attitude. Please just listen to the track Weary here. It's incredibly pissed off but not weak and shrill as a lot of neocrust is to me - call me ignorant. But this 7" has depth and uncomprimising pace. Get down with it.

13. Natural Law - Find the Flock LP(Deranged Rec./Katorga Works).
This LP would probably be higher up on the list had I not just stumbled upon it yesterday (dec. 31st!). The opening track is my favorite right now - such a badass beginning! Listen here.

12. Death Token - All Dreams are Nightmares LP (Adult Crash Rec.)
Two words come to mind when I spun this the first time: Burning Spirits. This is Japan meeting Scandinavia and it ain't pretty. If you like Bastard, Judgement, Death Side and the likes then you'll appreciate this. Listen here.

11. Verse - Bitter Clarity, Uncommon Grace LP (Bridge 9 Rec.)
It first this held the 1st place for a long time, but then something happened. Bitter Clarity, Uncommon Grace did not get worse, but new releases were thrown at me that were just better. Compared to the earlier works of Verse, this most resembles Aggression, but even that is a misleading comparison. This record is more down tempo, lyrically more challenging (even though the lyrics of Verse are quite challenging already). Listen here.

10. Dead Weight - NWHC 7" (React! Rec.)
Badaaaaaaaass!!! I first saw these guys play at the React! Showcase showcase in 2011 at Gilman and it was amazing! This is hardcore like you remember it, groovy and filled with no remorse and a little hate. Listen here.

9. Clear - Demo 7" (Triple-B Rec.)
Boston Hardcore. Enough said. 
Seriously. Listen here.

8. Mammoth Grinder - In & Out 7" (Self released).
Again, this would probably be ranked higher had there been more songs on it.But those that are here, fuck. This is a lethal dose of crusty hardcore/punk, with d-beat and old school metal influences. Catchy as hell and it all ends with an Amebix cover.
Listen here

7. Losin' It - Danger Zone 7" (Life To Live Rec.)
Released on Lockin' Out during the Mental-era...... wait.... I got this one mixed up. Released on Life To Live, a label that has really started to show some potential with awesome releases (Alert, Losin' It, Step Aside, Outlast). This is as Mental as it's gonna get. Fun and groovy hardcore that is in your face at the same time. And their first debut full length (No Apology) will be released in a few weeks also on LTL! Listen to Danger Zone here.

6. The Boston Strangler - Self Titled LP (Fun With Smack Rec.)
Probably the most anticipated and hyped record of the year and with good reason. This record is a blast from start to finish. Boston Hardcore the way it should sound. Prisoner Abuse is somewhere down the line of this and the PA debut full length was also released this year, but BS is much better. Listen here.

5. Bang Bros - Group Therapy 7" (I Drink Milk Rec.)
I have tried to be as little biased as possible about this one, because my good buddies play in this band. But being as objective as I can, this 7" is unreal. Again, this has a very strong Lockin' Out-Mental-Justice-Crunch Time vibe. THE REALNESS!!! This 7" hasn't gotten the attention it deserves, I gotta say it. Please take a listen (AND view) here - awesome video for the song Weak.

4. Enough - Common Visions LP (Assault Rec.)
The first thing that came to mind when I heard this record and I still think of that, is the great sound it has. This is youth crew with the right sound, as if you are standing right next to the instruments. After a few solid 7" releases, this really took them to the next level and I expect another release like this from them in 2013. Listen here

3. Out of Sight - Self Titled 7" (Dead Instincts Rec.)
Technically, this is from december 2011 (pre-order), but it was released in 2012 - I think. I've ruled that it counts. This reminds me of Brotherhood - the old Seattle hc band. This probably doesn't surprise anyone, least of all the band itself as they played a Brotherhood cover when they played the React! Showcase at Gilman in 2011. Listen here.

2. Mindset - Leave No Doubt LP (React! Rec.)
This one and the #1 were the easiest to place. Some of the others I was like "maybe one spot higher or lower.." but these are easy. This is the best youth crew LP in years... many years. Everybody knows it and starts why some are starting to say the opposite. Once something gets popular enough there will always be a growing crowd who starts to dislike it for the fact that it is getting popular. One of the many retarded corners of the human mind. Anyway, this is that good! The tracks that stand out to me are Thrive, Waste II and LEAVE. NO. DOUBT. About Waste II. It is also on their Time & Pressure 7", but here it is a wee bit more down tempo and it makes it a lot better! Listen here.

1. Putrefaction - Blood Cult LP (Distro-y Rec./Underground Movement/Phobia Rec./Ratbone Rec.)
This album is amazing. This is the perfect combination of d-beat, crust, metal, hardcore and punk - and with the right sound! This is the second Irish band that made it to my top 16 list which I find pretty interesting. Stuff is really going on in Ireland. Putrefaction play this evil and uncompromising style of crust that is raining with heave d-beat and forward trampling rage. A must listen for anyone who does not hate themselves or good music. Listen here

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